Research Paper Publication. Simplified.
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to our Publishing House!
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Publishing House Scientific Review” (Nauchnoe Obozrenie) is a leading international provider of publishing services for authors of scientific articles and a long-proven brand name in the scientific community.
Our company offers academic editing by native speakers and scientific translation services for universities and authors.
We provide publishing services in international Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals and conference proceedings with quartile (Q) 1-2 and impact factor ranging from 3 and higher.
Since 2019, the requirements for the quantity and quality of researchers’ scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals that are indexed in the international Web of Science and Scopus databases have been greatly increased.
In particular, it is advisable to publish articles in journals that are included in the Scopus citation database to consider the highest quartile (Q) or percentile of the publication. Our company always responds promptly to all trends and requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of any country.
Our editorial team provides only premium-class services.
For over seven years, we have collaborated with universities, research institutes and publishing houses around the world. We would like to cooperate with you as well, to help with translation, editing and publishing of articles in the high-impact Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals. Take advantage of the guaranteed opportunity to have your article published and indexed. We offer no junk journals.
Our goal is to develop scientific collaborations and promote enhanced publishing activities of universities worldwide.
We hope that you will find useful our guidelines for preparing articles to be published in international high-impact journals, follow the link…/scientific-review-insights
We are waiting for your articles!
We will offer you options for publishing your article, indicate the publication period for your article, and calculate the cost of translation and publication services.
Our advisory services are free!
If a customer has special wishes for publication — in this case we provide the Publication Support services, follow the link:
We would like to focus your attention on the advantages and guarantees of quality of our company:
1. Our company was officially registered in 2012 and has been successfully operating for many years. You can check information about our company providing evidence of our financial security and consistency in business on the official websites of Russian government agencies, as well as via CONTOUR system or similar ones.
2. Our company is an absolute leader in the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries in terms of the number of successfully published articles, indexed in the famous databases and satisfied customers. We have helped authors to publish articles in high-impact journals since 2012! Over the years, we have contributed to the publication of more than 10,000 articles by both Russian and international authors.
3. Our company has an Expert Advisory Board consisting of Doctors of Science and international experts in various domains of knowledge, with many years of experience in education, science and publication activities in high-impact international and Russian journals.
4. We sign an agreement for article publication with each of our customers. Our Agreement has passed legal expertise, and contains all the provisions required by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. They stipulate the specific terms of publication, the rights and obligations of the parties, etc. We cooperate with legal entities and individuals.
5. We accept payments by bank transfer to our operating accounts. This means that we pay taxes and guarantee the execution of services to our customers. We have successfully won and implemented more than 15 tenders for translation and publication of articles.
6. We comply with our customers’ requirements for copyright protection.
7. Our company pursues a transparent pricing policy You can find final prices for our services on our website.
8. We regularly check the indexing of each journal proposed for publication in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.
9. It is important! When you choose to have your article published in Q1-Q3 journals, we guarantee indexation of your article in the database within a period not exceeding 6 weeks from the article publication date.
10. We have a flexible discount system based on the volume of a customer’s order.
All articles are reviewed. The authors of the articles are notified and understand that they are obliged to make any revision of the article according to the requirements of the reviewers and the editors of the journal.
We will provide our support until you get the result — have your article published. We do not make empty promises. We guarantee 100% publication.
Entrust the care of your publishing activities and scientific reputation to the professionals!
If you have any questions, we would be pleased to answer them, see our contacts page.
Our managers speak English and Russian.
Our professional team will assist you to write an article, advise and publish the article in the best journals worldwide.
Subject expertise, personalized support, and 100% quality guarantee.
Best regards,
Marina Vladimirovna VASILJEVA, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor.
CEO of “Publishing House Scientific Review” (Nauchnoe Obozrenie).
Our website:
+7-499-348-11-69 (for calls)
+7-937-725-29-34 (for Viber messages)
+7-988-396-87-23 (for WhatsApp messages)
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Publishing House Scientific Review” (Nauchnoe Obozrenie)
127051, Moscow, 9 Sukharevskiy M. lane, bld. 1
(Trubnaya or Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro stations)
Phone: +7 495-128-98-07, +7 499-34-68-127.
You may email your application to: specifying obligatorily in the email subject line: “Publish the article in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals” or leave your application on our website.

Журнал «Вопросы современной экономики» — общеэкономическое теоретическое и научно-практическое издание, публикующее результаты научных исследований по широкому кругу экономических проблем, связанных с различными направлениями экономических исследований.
Журнал предназначен для публикации научно-практических и теоретических результатов научных исследований, в том числе, отражающих основное содержание диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата/доктора юридических наук.
В журнале публикуются статьи научно-практического и проблемного характера, представляющие собой результаты завершенных исследований, обладающие новизной и представляющие интерес для широкого круга читателей журнала.
Журнал рассчитан на руководителей органов и учреждений здравоохранения, практических врачей, научных работников и преподавателей медицинских вузов.
Журнал является профессиональным научно-аналитическим изданием и предназначен для широкого круга специалистов в области науки и техники.
ПерейтиАвтономная некоммерческая организация содействия развитию современной отечественной науки Издательский дом «Научное обозрение» выпускает пять научных электронных журналов, издает монографии, учебно-методическую и деловую литературу.
Сотрудничество с нашей редакцией позволит Вам популяризировать Ваши научные достижения, поднять престиж в глазах научного сообщества, обеспечить стабильное продвижение по карьерной лестнице.
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